gives us the necessary nutritional support to keep us going in
our daily basis activities. As we juggle many times in our daily we
tend feel stress , tired, that this sometimes lead us to
“Depression “
is a depression?
is a state of low mood
and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts,
behavior, feelings and sense
of well-being.[1]
people may feel sad, anxious,
empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless,
guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. They may lose interest in
activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or
overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details, or
making decisions, and may contemplate or attempt suicide.
sleeping, fatigue,
loss of energy, or aches, pains, or digestive problems that are
resistant to treatment may also be present
depression with this anti-depression foods
natural food remedies to help combat depression
- SALMON-> is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which is lacking in those that are depressed. Omega -3 helps regulate one's mood ,improve carbo-vascular health and lower cholesterol
- SAFRON-> is a type od culinary spice often found in many Middle Eastern dishes . It is said that safron carries anti-depressent effects similar to common and antidepressants such a Tofamil and Prozzac it also helps lift ones mood and often used in medical tea
- CHOCOLATE-->Chocolate is the most commonly known snack that aids in stress or depression as its anti-oxcidants and help increase the level of endorphins found in the brain boosting one's mood
simply removes carbohydrates from one's diet
or reducing in tremendously may affect the person negatively .
Carbohydrates are essential in our lives . For those watching
their intakes you may opt to consume whole grain, fruits, and
vegetables , which also promotes fiber in the body.
--> Cabbages are
rich in vitamin c , folic acid and fiber which help stablishing
your blood sugar level.
They also good in
protection against many illnesses such as in fections , hearth
desseases , and reduce stress.